A. Programme characteristics
rep: Identifies whether the current programme replaced an earlier programme.
protype: programme type: identifies the type of programme based on its underlying approach to poverty.
profunc: Programme function: Classifies programmes according to function from World Bank (2015) State of Safety Nets.
pilot: Identifies whether the programme is a pilot project in the corresponding year.
target: Target population: Identifies the main target population of the programme.
categ1: Categorical 1: Takes the value 1 if the programme covers all within a population group or category, and 0 if it selects participants within the category
inctest: Income test: Identifies whether an income test is used to select participants
meanstest: Means test: Identifies whether a means test is used to select participants.
proxytest: proxy-means test: Identifies whether a proxy-means test is used to select participants.
geotar: geographic targeting: Identifies whether participants are selected based on their geographic location.
comtar: community targeting: Identifies whether participants are selected through community participation.
demtar: demographic targeting: Identifies whether participants are selected on demographic characteristics, e.g. age or gender.
selfselect: self-selection: Identifies whether participants self-select into the programme. Identifies programmes open to all who demand it.
assets: asset targeting: Identifies whether selection includes an asset test.
partind: participation: individual level: Measures the number of participating individuals, including the recipient and her/his family group.
parthh: participation: household level: Measures the number of participating households.
recip: recipient: Identifies the direct recipient of the transfer.
compo1: programme components 1: Identifies whether the programme has a single or several components.
payreg1: payment regularity 1: Measures the interval between transfer payments (for the first component).
payreg2: payment regularity 2: Measures the interval between transfer payments for the second component if several.
payreg3: payment regularity 3: Measures the interval between transfer payments for the third component if several.
transmin: Transfer amount – minimum: Measures the minimum level of transfer per month in domestic currency at current prices.
transminPPP: transfer amount – minimum: Measures the minimum level of transfer per month in US$PPP.
transmax: transfer amount – maximum: Measures the maximum level of transfer per month in domestic currency at current prices.
transmaxPPP: Transfer amount – maximum: Measures the maximum level of transfer per month in US$PPP
transav: transfer amount – average: Measures the average level of transfer per month in domestic currency at current prices.
transavPPP: transfer amount – average: Measures the average level of transfer per month in US$PPP.
transfix: transfer amount – fixed: Measures the fixed level of transfer per month in domestic currency at current prices.
transfixPPP: transfer amount – fixed: Measures the fixed level of transfer per month in US$PPP.
level: level of reporting: Indicates whether the transfer amounts are reported at the individual level or the household level.
paymethod: payment method: Reports on the most common payment methods. Several categories can be selected.
recertify: recertification: Reports whether the programme requires recertification of eligibility.
period1: guaranteed transfer period 1: Identifies whether there is a fixed period of time during which transfers are guaranteed, or a fixed period before recertification is required.
period2: guaranteed transfer period 2
conhum: transfer conditions – human capital: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on the utilisation of social services aimed to enhance human capital.
conenrol: transfer conditions – school enrolment: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on school enrolment of school-aged children in the household.
conatt: transfer conditions – school attendance: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on school attendance of school-aged children in the household
conhealth: transfer conditions – health: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on periodic health check-ups.
conimmu: transfer conditions – immunization: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on immunization of children in the household.
connutrit: transfer conditions – nutrition: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on nutritional activities.
conwork: transfer conditions – work: Indicates whether transfers are conditional on the supply of labour.
B. Programme Institutionalisation
agentype: agency type: Identifies the type of executing agency.
centra: centralisation of decision-making: Assesses the degree of centralisation in decision making of the programme.
locdis: local government discretion: Assesses the extent to which local government, or community, can select participants and/or set transfer values for different households.
interm: intermediation: Indicates whether participants have access to a social worker.
legfram: legal framework: Indicates the legal framework under which the programme operates.
legframch1: changes in the legal framework: Identifies whether changes to the legal framework took place since the start of the programme
legframch2: changes in the legal framework 2: If legframch1 =1, it identifies the year the last changes were made.
evapro: evaluation protocol: Indicates whether a programme includes evaluation protocols.
registry: unified Registry: Identifies whether there is a unified registry covering this programme.
partreg: participant registration: Identifies whether there is a dedicated registry for this programme.
appep: appeals procedure: Measures whether a programme includes an appeal protocol against selection decisions.
socacc: social accountability and participation: Indicates whether there is community accountability of decision-making by the programme agency.
budarr: budgetary arrangements: Indicates the requirements for modifying budgetary arrangements.
web: website: Indicates whether there is a website for the programme.
C. Country-level Institutionalisation
povstra: poverty strategy: Indicates whether the country has a national poverty reduction strategy or social protection policy strategy.
natco: national coordination: Indicates whether a single agency has responsibility for poverty reduction, managing programmes, and coordinating government policy.
D. Programme Budget
bugt: Measures the budget assigned to the programme in the corresponding year, in domestic currency at current prices.
bugtPPP: Measures the budget assigned to the programme in the corresponding year, in US$PPP.
exbugt1: budget period 1: Indicates whether the reported budget is for the fiscal year, calendar year or multiyear period.
exbugt2: budget period 2: If exbugt1 = 3 (multiyear period), it indicates the number of years covered.
cost: actual expenditure: Measures the executed expenditure on the programme in the corresponding year, in domestic currency at current prices.
costPPP: actual expenditure: Measures the executed expenditure on the programme in the corresponding year, in US$PPP.
excost1: Cost explanation 1: Indicates whether the cost reported is for the fiscal year, calendar year or multiyear period.
excost2: cost explanation 2: If excost1 = 3 (multiyear period), it indicates the number of years covered.
dfin1: donor financing 1: Indicates whether the programme received donor contributions.
dfin2: donor financing 2: If dfin1 = 1, it indicates whether funding is through a loan or a grant, or both.
dfinex: donor financing expenditure: Measures the executed donor contribution to the programme in the corresponding year, in domestic currency at current prices.
dfinexPPP: donor financing expenditure: Measures the executed donor contribution to the programme in the corresponding year, in US$PPP.
dfinex1: donor financing period 1: Specifies whether the amount was reported for the fiscal year, calendar year or multiyear period.
dfinex2: donor financing period 2: If exdfinex1 = 3 (multiyear period), it indicates the number of years covered.
govfin: government financing: Indicates whether the programme is financed by the domestic government, partially or fully
govfinex: government financing expenditure: Measures the governments’ executed contribution to the programme in the corresponding year, in domestic currency at current prices.
govfinexPPP: Government financing expenditure: Measures the governments’ executed contribution to the programme in the corresponding year, in US$PPP.
govfinex1: government financing period 1: Indicates whether the amount is for the fiscal year, calendar year or multiyear period
govfinex2: Government financing period 2: If exgovfinex1 = 3 (multiyear period), it indicates the number of years covered.
findom: whether programme is financed domestically: Indicates whether the programme is financed totally or partially from domestic sources.
findomsour: sources of domestic financing: Identifies the sources of domestic financing, whether by central or local government.
finres: financial resources: Consolidates financial resources from budget/cost/donor and govt expenditure/ to provide a single amount describing the financial resources used in the programme
finrespp: financial resources in PPP: Consolidates financial resources in ppp from budget/cost/donor and govt expenditure/ to provide a single amount describing the financial resources used in the programme
finresour: Identifies the source of financial resources
The Country and programme data coverage at a glance is available for download.